Sunday, September 5, 2010

Secrets to a Great Long Distance Relationship (LDR)

There are a lot of aspects to a relationship. Sometimes it's the simple things that make a couple the happiest. When trying to make a long distance relationship work try to do simple things together even though you are thousands of miles apart.

Watch a television show or movie at the same time. You can watch it on TV, online, or rent it. When it's over talk about it as if you just watched it together. If you have free minutes, be on speaker phone with each other the whole time. Playing online computer games together is something else to try. Or play games together using an Xbox or Wii. Pick a game you both like and have fun.

Technology can make a LDR a little easier to handle. Not only making you able to do things together, but you can also communicate in a lot of different ways. Phone calls are always great, but Skype or a webcam can be even better. Talking and being able to see each other will almost make it feel like you're not apart.

Instant messenger, text messages, Twitter, Facebook and e-mails can add a little variety to the way to chat. Communication will be the key to making your LDR work. Have a communication schedule, not necessarily specific times to talk, but how often. Do you and your significant other want to talk once a everyday, 3 times a day, every other day? Occasional surprise phone calls are good too.

Surprises can be exciting and meaningful in a LDR. Send love packages with candy or photos to your other half. You can even send a snack or something from home that they can't find in their new location. Send pretty much anything that will remind your partner of their home and how much you love and miss them.

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