Monday, September 6, 2010

Forgiveness to Heal Your Broken Heart and Reunite With Your Ex

Forgiveness is essential in this life. In order to move forward as quickly as possible and gain the benefits of forgiveness, you must be able to forgive yourself and others. If you are looking to reunite with your ex, forgiveness is a must or you won't be able to move on to a better relationship.

Forgiveness is also a key component in healing from a broken heart. Without forgiveness, you simply cannot completely heal. If you have not forgiven your partner and you get back together, all may seem fine at first, but soon things will turn sour, because deep inside you have not been able to forgive, which will limit your level of patience and understanding in the relationship. Silently, in the back of your mind, you are still holding anger, and whatever issues caused the break up will likely continue to have an effect on you, your partner and the relationship.

When you are in a position where you want to forgive, move on, and reunite with your ex keep these points in mind.

Put the incident into perspective.

Often times when we make a mistake that hurts someone we love, it is not intentional but rather a spur of the moment decision in which we were not thinking straight. This doesn't make it any better but keep in mind that maybe your partner just wasn't thinking clearly due to something else that happened that day or something that has been weighing heavily on his mind. Being pre-occupied and not thinking clearly is a common everyday occurrence that life hands us sometimes. Think of it as putting yourself in someone else's shoes.


One of ways to get things into perspective is to journal about the situation. However, what you focus on while journaling is extremely important to your success.

- Journaling about the benefits you've gotten from a negative situation -- rather than focusing on the negative emotions you have, will help you to forgive and move on faster and easier.

Assess your feelings toward the relationship and then toward your partner.

Ask yourself if your relationship is greater than the incident that caused the divide. Is the incident really worth a break up if you truly feel you have the right person by your side? If you want to reunite with your ex and rebuild your relationship you have to answer this question honestly.

Take Ownership and Put your Pride aside

If you are the one that has given the hurt you need to admit your mistake and own it. This is adult behavior and the right thing to do whether you want to reunite or not. If you do want to reunite with your ex and you are at fault for the pain caused you will have to correct the way you handle your problems and upsets in life.

If you are on the receiving end of the pain then forgiveness is what you need to own and to reunite with your ex you need to understand why they did what they did and if you had any part of it. For example: If your ex ended up having dinner with a woman from his past and didn't tell you, leaving you wondering about the rest of the night - was he trying to talk to you about his problem and you were constantly not available? Maybe he felt he needed to talk to someone that would not judge him so harshly and had a better chance of understanding his situation. Or maybe he just wanted to have female company and chat like in the old days. Are you too busy for him? Do you judge to harshly? Do your outings become boring and monotonous?

Handling an apology

When your partner apologizes for the pain he caused do not throw the apology in their face. Do not turn the apology session into an argument. More than likely you have already had that argument, now it is time to regain your composure, and even though you may not be ready to forgive at that time, be honest with your feelings and let your partner know how they have hurt you and how it is affecting you.

Safeguard yourself

One of the most common feelings with forgiveness is that often a person thinks if they forgive it will leave an opening for repeat offenses. Forgiveness is not the same as condoning and you must remember that forgiveness benefits the forgiver more so then the one being forgiven. It is so that you can move on, heal, and learn to trust again.

Safeguard yourself against people in your life who are repeat offenders, as they are usually worth forgiving only once and are not healthy to have in your life anyway. Trying to forgive and letting go of your anger will enable you to forgive without opening yourself up to further abuse. It is not necessary to hold a grudge in order to safeguard yourself.

Reap the benefits of forgiveness - You certainly deserve them!

- Forgiveness is literally good for the heart. The Journal of Behavioral Medicine found forgiveness to be associated with lower heart rate, blood pressure and stress relief.

- Forgiveness has been professionally associated with strengthened spirituality, conflict management and stress relief. All have a significant impact on overall health.

- Forgiveness not only restores positive thoughts, feelings and behaviors toward the offending party, but the benefits of forgiveness spill over to positive behaviors toward others because it is associated with volunteerism, donating to charity, and other altruistic behaviors.

We know it is not easy to forgive when our parade has been rained on. But do your best to find the silver lining and gain the wonderful benefits of forgiveness. If you want to reunite with your ex, forgiveness will put things back in place, at which point you both have to fix what is broken that caused the pain, and reach for an even more powerful, firm and fulfilling relationship.

Triniti Taylor extends an invitation for you to receive Breaking Up Advice on the house, to help with moving forward, putting a smile on your face, and a beat back in your heart.

Learn how to reunite with your ex or mend any relationship with a solid, clear plan that breaks through barriers and shows how to be a first-rate partner and keep a relationship solid and thriving. Best of all - it's a down to earth approach suitable for all couple types and personalities. Guaranteed and cost effective for today's money conscience couples.

Five Steps to Reunite With Your Ex

You CAN reunite with your ex

Break ups happen all the time, and it is a stressful and frustrating time for a person. You will probably be in an emotionally depressed state with a thousand different thoughts of what you can do to reunite with your ex. You CAN reunite again but what you need is a plan, some simple steps to get your ex back. If you want to reunite with your lost love, what you should actually do at this point is the opposite of what you are feeling. This may sound strange to you, but it can work very well. Follow these five basic steps and you will have the answer that you need to the age old question "How to reunite with your ex?"

Step 1 - Accept the Break Up! First you need to accept that the break has happened. Face the reality of the situation. Even though you may not feel this way, tell your ex that you are okay with it, and allow the moving on process to begin. Doing this will eliminate a large amount of the tension and stress that is being experienced by all. Your ex needs time to think about the relationship, and this will give you time as well to consider your options. Don't rush things, If your ex realizes that he or she wants to reunite, they will find a way to get back with you.

Step 2 - Do not contact your ex! This is important, do not make an effort to contact your ex right now. Constant calls or texting will only tend to drive him or her farther away. Closing the doors of communication may appear counter-intuitive when your primary focus is to reunite with your ex, but it is one of the most important steps to getting your ex back. Take a break from your ex, close off communication, and let him or her stew for a little while without any contact. This will allow your ex to clear his or her mind and realize how valuable your relationship was.

Step 3 - Now is the time to be strong. No one needs the needy, and this saying applies very well when it comes to lost relationships. You need to stop begging, clinging or exhibiting the behavior of someone who is feeling desperate. Let your ex think that you have moved on just fine without them by acting strong and moving on. When you've moved on, your ex will realize that they have not, and that they miss you.

Step 4- Get out and around. This is not the time for you to be alone. You do need to be getting out and enjoying your time with your friends, call them, get out of the house, develop your social network and enjoy some entertainment in your life. Not only will this be therapeutic for you, but it will also help convince your ex that they lost a good thing.

Step 5- Be yourself. There was a really good reason why your ex was attracted to you in the first place, so go back to being yourself and let your ex remember why they loved you in the first place. This renewed self perception of your own self will surely rub off on your ex as well. Once you have completed the five steps mentioned above, then it is time to plan your next steps to reuniting with your ex. You can start working on planning on when you should meet, and also what should be said when you do meet up again. Knowing what to say will greatly increase your chances. "How to reunite with your ex?" can be a little more complicated than the five steps above. But they are a good start and will improve your chances of winning your ex back.

These are just some of the basic steps you need to take, there is a whole program available that you can follow, a complete step by step relationship manual that has helped thousands of people to not only get their ex back, but to make it a lasting relationship. For more information on this go to Get Your EX Back.

Help to Reunite With Your Ex - Are You Sure?

Residual love is a natural occurrence and is good because it means you are in love and have shared a closeness and intimate relationship with someone. This is a gift that is not so easily taken back. It leaves things behind like good memories, fondness and togetherness. It may seem as though it is gone but then there is always residual love to show us it is still hanging around.

When a person is thinking they still love their ex it doesn't necessarily mean they are bound to get back together with them or that it should just magically happen. What you need to do is further ask yourself a few questions, then make a decision based on your answers.

Ask yourself if you want your ex back.

Take a wee step back and ponder it closely. Use your memories to guide you back through the relationship.

If you have come to the conclusion that still loving your ex is simply due to a lingering fondness and you miss having someone around, but are not particularly interested to reunite with your ex, then just go with the flow. There is no need to push in any specific direction. The two of you will either drift apart or remain good friends, which is a unique gift.

If the answer to the question is yes:

- Find out if your ex has an interest in returning to the relationship.

This does not mean that you start pressuring your ex in any way. You will come to know instinctively of his interest so don't push it. Allow a little time to go by and give your partner some space. Let him miss you for a while.

Married Couples

If you are a married couple and feel things are just about to fall apart, and you feel like you are getting know where, it is highly advisable that you seek counseling from a trained professional. If you are already in counseling, it is quite common for a couple to change their counselor and try a new one. You both need a fresh start in the relationship and often times couples need a buffer to help them sort out their feelings and resentments.

Do not feel put off, embarrassed or sorry that you need professional help.

Often times a couple or one person in the relationship is put off by marriage counseling, feeling embarrassed that their marriage needs help. This should not deter you from getting the help you need. It is a very common practice, even with couples that are not facing divorce and many of them will tell you that the counseling they receive has helped them to remain in strong bonds with each other and have a fulfilling relationship.

So put your uptightness aside, and do what is best for your relationship, if that means seeking assistance then that is what you need to do. If so many couples didn't need help, there wouldn't be any marriage counselors to begin with.

Then What?

If you decide you want to reunite with your ex take the necessary steps as mentioned above then take an approach that will help you both fix the parts of the relationship that are broken and caused the break up. This could be either by choosing to go for couples counseling or by a relationship adviser with a plan of action for couples who want to reunite and build a strong relationship foundation with fulfilling rewards for both of you.

When in a break up and residual love is hanging around assess the relationship in your mind by using your memories of the times together and decide if you want to reunite with your ex or not. Then assess if your ex is interested in reuniting. If he is then take an approach that will help you both fix the parts of the relationship that are broken and caused the break up, and put you on the right path to building a resilient, solid, fulfilling relationship.

Triniti Taylor extends an invitation for you to receive Breaking Up Advice on the house to help with moving forward, putting a smile on your face, and a beat back in your heart.

Learn how to reunite with your ex or mend any relationship with a solid, clear plan that breaks through barriers and shows how to be a first-rate partner and keep a relationship solid and thriving. Best of all - it's a down to earth approach suitable for all couple types and personalities. Guaranteed and cost effective for today's money conscience couples.

Relationships Breaking Up - Is There a Road Back to Love?

In the beginning, when you are first in love, the rush of joy and happiness is like a drug, bringing lovely feelings of bliss. Our consciousness feels expanded almost to the point of ecstasy! Well, perhaps that's just a little dramatic, but if you've ever been in love you definitely understand. Most of us will go to any length to keep that wonderful state of being because we live for love and when a relationship breaks up it can be the most painful and gut wrenching experience imaginable.

The feelings of loss, grief, sadness and longing that come from love breaking up can be overwhelming. It is a road most of us have walked at least once and hope to never walk again. If you are walking that road right now, allow just this little sliver of light in. Relationships can be healed. People can be reunited. Love can grow again. It happens every day and it's not about "tricking" your beloved into loving you again, using deceit, or hypnotizing them back into your life. That would be unethical and is unnecessary. It really has more to do with you, and what you are going to learn from this experience of loss and rejection. You may find in the end that it took the break up to bring you to a place of being a better partner and even the person you were meant to be.

So what do you do? First, calm yourself and recognize any desperate, needy, jealous or frightened feelings that you are having and then begin to let them go. Do this by closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. Allow the feelings to rise up inside of you and when they do, don't react! Let them wash over you and leave. You will be alright! Do this for about 15 minutes and you will be in a much better frame of mind to move on to the next step. Working on yourself. Go out with friends, and have a good time. Explore and develop other interests even when you don't feel like it. This will not only make you feel better, but it will prepare you as a person to create a healthier and more lasting relationship. If you are willing to take a step back from the drama, self reflect and self examine yourself and your part in the break up you will be prepared to move on the the next step, reconnection. Everyone wants to reconnect immediately, but that is almost always a mistake. Resist the urge to jump back into being a couple and you will be giving your relationship the best possible chance of success.

The experience of lost love can be turned around! Don't sit around and suffer and long for your beloved. Take action and find a way to heal your relationship now! Find out exactly what to do at:

Who Are Your True Friends?

Our entire lives are made out of many snapshots, emotions and interactions that we have with other human beings. Since we change schools when being young, and careers as we grow the number of these becomes astounding. No longer do most of us live in the same small town our entire life, or have the same neighbors. This makes it hard for a lot of us to make true friends, as we don't have that much time to learn about them or chose wisely.

As soon as you begin a new job for example, it is a good idea to make the right friends. This will later play a huge part on your ability to move up as your bosses are judging you every step of the way. Not only that but will those people ever be there for you when you need them? Will you talk to them again after you leave work? Will there be anything else to talk about? Most of our times are spent complaining, and I myself don't like doing that and so a lot of times have a hard time finding people like me. The surest way to get a good conversation going at a social event is say something along the lines of, "Don't bosses just suck?" You are sure to have many people nod along, and want to chime in some of their own wisdom.

When you are successful it is hard to see what the people approaching you are really there for. Many are just living the moment and hoping that being around you can get them something. That is fine, since relationships should be beneficial, but it has to go both ways. The more I think about it, the harder it is for me to think about true friendship. I have made a few along the way, but for someone that has moved around a lot it has been a challenge. Whenever I speak to friends about it, I usually hear that they made most of their best friendships during their early days and still keep in touch. Since I was thrown around from school to school I didn't really get much of that, and the people that I did hang out with didn't have much in common with after high school.

Having good friends is important, as we are social creatures and when you have a moment try to write down the best ones you have. Really do think about it, and I would be amazed if you can think of more than five. I'd rather not count family in this exercise, but you can if they are your only friends. Cherish that list, and try to reach out to them every once in a while to cultivate those relationships as they also need water to grow. True friends are very important, and this will not become obvious until a moment where you can't find yourself with any.

How To Maintain a Long Distant Friendship In 3 Easy Steps

The Way To keep in touch with a long distant friend In Three Easy And Simple Steps

Each of us has wants. We all want some thing. With some it's something they would like to carry out or even to do. Some have goals for which things they would like to possess. Quite often it's learning how to do something or be something that we may want.

You might have a burning wish to keep in touch with a long distant friend, as an illustration. Plenty of people want that, and it's really not difficult to accomplish once you understand how to. If you want to keep in touch with a long distant friend, this informative article can certainly help explain to you exactly how. If you wish to understand how to keep in touch with a long distant friend in 3 simple steps, keep reading...

The initial step you will need to take is to make sure that you have a plan to call, text, Skype on a consistent regular basis such as once a week or once a month. You want to do this because without having a plan you will not contact your friend, because of the busyness of life. During this first step, staying away from just thinking that you will call when you feel like it, as most likely this will cause you to never contact them, this is and could be really important.

It's going to be important to complete this 1st step carefully, doing it completely, effectively and well. If you should fail at this then you can expect fail in keeping in contact with your friend.

Step number 2 is going to be to make sure that you follow the plan. Things to avoid here are not following the plan, as mentioned in step one and thinking that you will contact them when you feel like it rather than following the plan.

The very last step should be to follow the above two steps consistently. The reason why this is important is the fact that consistency is the only thing that will keep the friendship going on a long term basis. For this last step it's going to be important that you avoid not making the proper effort.

You need to follow every single one of the 3 steps carefully. Please steer clear of the trouble spots which were described. If you do these things correctly, you will have very few or no difficulties or problems.

When you set out to keep in touch with a long distant friend, by adopting the above suggestions you'll have the very best likelihood of succeeding. Then enjoy every single one of the benefits that come with your success!

Why Must We Build Relationship?

Why is it important to build relationships?

Every human being has an inane need to be connected with others. Religious people even testify that God created human beings to have a relationship with. Well, regardless of your spiritual disposition, it remains a fact that everybody needs to go out and make friends. It doesn't matter if you are young or old, single or married, male or female, straight or gay... even those who shun making friends know deep down that they long for true companionship and they resent true friendships because they fail to find it.

Look at it this way... No man is an island. Especially if you plan to get rich in the 21st century where one of the most important factors of survival lies outside ourselves - other people.

If you read Dale Carnegie's book - 'How To Win Friends & Influence People', you will find that most of the examples of successful people are those who live life getting along well with others and that they have a 'way' with people.

Even when you look at million dollar deals, there were instances when deals were made or broken because of the way solicitors approached their venture capitalists or investors. They are after all, human and a good praise can go a long way.

You see, building relationships are the key to success and happiness. Success not only in the monetary sense, but also success when it comes to living a fulfilling life of rich, meaningful friendships (which will also lead back to true wealth if you play your cards right).

Deep down, everyone wants others to recognize them for the things they want to be proud of. You don't need to be very good at talking to others. Sometimes, just being there lending a listening ear to someone else's problems is suffice to strengthen one's relationship. You don't even need to give really constructive advice, just be there for others. The human ego is something that must be handled with care so try not to give useless advice to someone in need. Give advice only when you are asked.

At the end of the day, we have to give onto others what we expect them to give onto us. The irony of life is this, when we crave for friendship, often we don't get what we want. But when we take the focus off ourselves and truly give to others and be a friend to them, you will not only gain your friendship, people will be inclined to give back to you.

So the lesson for us today is quite a challenge actually. Who can I lend a helping hand to and be a friend?

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